Dogodki » Teater
V Dvorani Stožice je potekal ekskluzivni glasbeno-plesni spektakel leta z več kot 150 nastopajočimi pevci, glasbeniki in plesalci, The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Ballet. Večerno dogajanje so popestrili tudi posebni gosti kot so Tržaški partizanski pevski zbor Pinko Tomažič, Oto Pestner in Lado Leskovar.
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet
The Red Army Choir, Orchestra and Balet